DNA Aunt/Uncle Test
The test provides you with the likelihood that an alleged aunt or uncle is the true biological aunt or uncle of a nephew or niece.
- Results in 1 to 2 days
- Discreet, Safe and Accurate
- Includes all laboratory fees
DNA Tests

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Test Description
How to Read a DNA Test Report
Limitations of DNA Sibling Testing and Indications for Use
The aunt/uncle test is not as powerful as the paternity test. The paternity test will always give an absolutely conclusive result regarding paternity. Whenever the alleged father is available for testing, the paternity test is always the recommended test as it is the most powerful and conclusive test. However, in cases where the alleged father is not available for testing and there is no other option but to test the aunt or uncle, the DNA Aunt/Uncle test will provide you with the likelihood that an alleged aunt or uncle is the true biological aunt or uncle of a nephew or niece.
Understanding the DNA Aunt/Uncle Test Report
The DNA Aunt/Uncle test report will provide you with a aunt or uncle index. The aunt/uncle index will provide the likelihood that a tested aunt or uncle is the true biological aunt or uncle of a newphew or niece.
100% Confidentiality
As our client, your privacy is extremely important to us, and we hold all information provided us in strict confidentiality. We will never sell, resell or make available your personal, or financial information to other companies or organizations. You will only be contacted using the method you choose, to confirm your order or to discuss your case. All communication is in the strictest confidence, and for that reason, we require you to create a password that will restrict access to your case. In addition, our privacy policies that have been established in our laboratory and offices safeguard the security of your case.
Highest Standards
How does a DNA Aunt/Uncle Test work?
Every person has two copies of each gene. One copy comes from the mother and the other copy comes from the father. Thus, one half of the genetic material in our body is inherited directly from each of our two parents. Aunts and uncles (biological siblings of the alleged parent) inherit their DNA from the same genetic pool as the alleged parent. When a DNA Aunt or Uncle test is performed, the DNA laboratory examines the DNA of the alleged Aunt or Uncle and the nephew/neice and then compares them to generate a Aunt/Uncle index. If the alleged aunt or uncle is the true biological aunt or uncle of a nephew/niece, then the aunt/uncle index is expected to be greater than 1.0. Individuals who are not related are statistically expecited to have an index less than 1.0.
The aunt/uncle test is a statistical analysis based on the pattern of expression of genetic material in the individuals compared. The aunt/ucnle test is not as powerful as the paternity test and should only be considered if the alleged father is not available for testing. If the biological mother of the alleged father is available for testing, adding the mother to the DNA aunt/uncle test can help to increase the discrimination power of the test.
A results interpretation sheet is provided with your results report.
What is the difference between the Legal Test and the Private Test?
Both the Legal and Private tests are equally accurate and both will provide absolutely conclusive results. If you choose the private test, a home kit will be sent to you so that you can collect the samples discreetly in private. If you choose the Legal Test, the collection must be done by an unbiased individual (doctor, lawyer, notary, etc.) and all individuals attending the collection appointment must bringa passport photo, picture identification, and they will be fingerprinted during the sample collection appointment. If you do not need to use the results in court, then the private option will provide the same conclusive results as the legal test and can be done discreetly.
What if the parties to be tested live in different cities?
If the parties to be tested living different cities or different countries, the kit can be split and sent to each individual separately. The kits are individually barcode labelled so once the samples arrive back at the laboratory, they will be tested together. To order a split kit, please write the following into the comments box of the online order form when you place the order “Please split kit. Please send aunt/uncle’s portion of the kit to: (aunt/uncle’s name and address), and please send the niece/nephew’s portion of the kit to: (niece/nephew’s name and address).”
What are the CODIS Loci?
CODIS stands for Combined DNA Index System. The CODIS loci are the loci which are approved by the FBI and other recognized standardization bodies worldwide for databasing and genetic profiling. At International Paternity Labs, 13 out of the 16 loci which we test are CODIS loci. As such, the profile obtained from each test far exceeds the current recognized standards.