DNA Tests

Order Your Confidential Home DNA Test Online!
Uncover your genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes, especially if there’s a family history, through this DNA test.
Your risk of experiencing a heart attack can be influenced by your genetic makeup. Discover whether you are at risk of Cardiovascular disease.
This test identifies DNA variations that impact your skin’s health and condition.
Are you giving your bones the care they need? This DNA test can provide insights into your genetic risk for osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
Discover your risk of experiencing a heart attack, and identify the optimal treatment option for you with a genetic test.
Discover whether you carry mutations that elevate your risk of potentially harmful blood clots with this test.
Identifies the HLA-DQB1*06:02 allele linked to a 7 to 25-fold heightened risk of narcolepsy.
The majority of individuals diagnosed with celiac disease possess at least one genetic risk allele. Discover your likelihood of developing celiac disease.
Discover whether you possess genetic variants that heighten your susceptibility to health complications associated with alcohol consumption.
Curious about the necessity of reducing your caffeine intake? Uncover whether you metabolize caffeine quickly or slowly by taking the DNA Caffeine Sensitivity Test.